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Black Out

Blackout is a condition characterized by the temporary loss of consciousness and muscle strength, usually caused by a lack of oxygen supply to the brain. It is also known as fainting, passing out and syncope. Pre-warning symptoms of a blackout include lightheadedness, dizziness, blurred vision, a feeling of weakness and palpitations. Sometimes, chest pain and shortness of breath may be experienced too.


Common causes of a blackout include low blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, heart valve problems, heart attack, anaemia, dehydration, low blood sugar, certain medications and neurological conditions.


Often black-outs can be preceded by symptoms of dizziness. Here you can read more about dizziness, as often the investigations and treatments are the same.

Heart Specialist

At the Cambridge Cardiology Clinic our consultant team can diagnose and treat underlying cardiovascular issues which may lead to blackouts. We also provide advice on lifestyle and medication to help reduce the risk of blacking out as well as more advanced, preventative therapies. 

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